Archive | November, 2012

Save the Baby Chickens!

13 Nov

Ground Up Alive

I don’t know if enough people are aware of Factory Farming practice; I am not typically one to preach but we must stop this atrocity. The article above describes what a lot of the farms in our country are doing to “discard” male chickens that are not needed anymore. They are thrown into a grinder alive and it may not sink in until you watch a video. I choose to be a vegetarian because of my love for animals. I found this information out by accident after watching a documentary called “Vegucated. ” I try not to watch the cruelty that animals endure but I was not forewarned and I cried so hard I almost vomited. I am not asking anyone to become a vegetarian I am only asking that more people become aware and protest by only buying Certified Humane Labeled meat and dairy products. Life is a blessing and animals are a gift from God. We need to respect life. If you don’t believe or have compassion their are other issues such as personal health risks from eating factory farmed animal products.

Think about it.

Look for this symbol!


8 Nov

This video is worth checking out. If you have questions feel free to ask. Basically, Believing in Jesus is what will set you free, so come and see.

My President is still Black

8 Nov


Obama has been re-elected and all I can think is “I LOVE AMERICA.” This re-election meant a lot for the elimination of Hate and Racism and for the chance that change can really happen. Obama will finally be able to recieve credit for the things to come and no one in the country can say he Lost. No one can say this proves that a Black Man or a Woman can’t make a great president. They did not back down, give up nor lose. The people have spoken and Goodness Prevails. Obama is for the people. I am the people. It was work the wait in line to Vote for him last night and I am so Proud to be an American right now.